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A matinee performance of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, attended by the children, becomes a real nightmare when General Nitti Gritti, aided and abetted by Goblin Puck, adds his script to the drama.
The children become the fairies and elves, their teacher becomes Titania, the Queen of the Fairies, who falls in love with the ASS that is not Bottom the Weaver, as in Shakespeare’s drama, but Britain’s Prime Minister. Ooops!

Lyrics - Goblin Puck

If you travel the wood today,
Be sure to go in disguise.
For wherever you walk along the way,
There’s mischief in the moonrise.
Woo – oooh!

Lurking there are elves and sprites,
Teasing all mortals within their sights.
And ghouls under the light of the moon,
That'll lead you onwards to your doom.

If you travel the wood today,
Be sure to go in disguise,
For wherever you walk along the way,
There’s mischief in the moonrise.
Woo – oooh!

‘From its midnight cowl,
Hoots the owl,
‘Twit Twoo’, ‘Twit Twoo’,
Keep your wits about you’.

But the one who'll make most sport of you,
Between midnight and the morning dew.
In every corner where you go,
Is the goblin, ROBIN GOODFELLOW.

If you travel the wood today,
Be sure to go in disguise,
For wherever you walk along the way,
There’s mischief in the moonrise.
Woo – oooh!

He hides and seeks in woodland dells,
And wherever he flits disaster spells.
His tricks and pranks your life to disrupt,
So whatever your plans, HE’LL PUCK THEM UP!

If you travel the wood today,
Be sure to go in disguise,
For wherever you walk along the way,
There’s mischief in the moonrise.
Woo – oooh!

Lyrics © Annie G.
Music © Rich Speller / Website:
Vocalist: Henry