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King Alfred is fleeing from the Vikings disguised as a wandering minstrel and sings his philosophy on life.

The famous legend relating to King Alfred and the burnt cakes took place in the year 878 when the king, fleeing a battle, took refuge in an old woman's cottage. She left him to watch the cakes she was cooking on the hot embers of a fire, but the battle-wearied king fell asleep and let the cakes burn. When the woman came back she scolded him soundly for being lazy.

Lyrics - That's Life

THAT'S LIFE, like it or not
Through the cool and the hot,
Come rain, or shine,
To the end of the line.
And whatever you do,
Is the story of you.

THAT'S LIFE, like it or not,
It's the only one you've got.
Put in more than you took,
It'll make a great book.
Took out more than you gave,
Your story's no rave.

THAT'S LIFE, like it or not,
You're a player in its plot.
It's all down to soul,
Adding your bit to the whole.
Through the highs and the lows,
The loving and the blows.

THAT'S LIFE, like it or not,
You're stuck with your lot.
Crowned, Alfred the King,
Now a Wandering Minstrel, I sing,
'Forgive and forget for heavens sakes,

Lyrics © Annie G.
Music and vocals by Kevin Demomysong