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The friends go with Sir Francis Drake to the Spanish Main where General Nitti Gritti is in league with the Spaniards planning another armada to capture the English Channel.
Drake loots the Spaniards’ treasures, among them are gold objects from King Midas’ palace that suddenly change into their original base metals.

Lyrics - King Midas

King Midas loved GOLD so much,
He longed to have the golden touch.

A Satyr granted him his wish,
And gold became his every dish.
All the food he loved to eat,
Turned into golden sweetmeat.

King Midas loved GOLD so much,
He longed to have the golden touch.

He gave his wife a kiss,
And ended their married bliss.
The whole of her turned into gold,
That put their love on hold.

King Midas loved GOLD so much,
He longed to have the golden touch.

He cried 'My life couldn't be worse',
Begged the Satyr to remove the curse.
It agreed to do so for a price,
He’s gotta bear it all his life.

King Midas loved GOLD so much,
He longed to have the golden touch.

Now everything he hears,
Is through his ASS’S EARS.
And the glitter of gold,
Leaves King Midas cold.

King Midas loved GOLD so much,
He longed to have the golden touch.

Lyrics © Annie G.
Music and vocal by Kevin Demomysong